Local Color
As much as I enjoy having the Etsy worldwide marketplace at my disposal, I can’t help noticing that most of my jewelry sales have occurred within ten miles of my home. With that – and the three-hour process of listing just a few new pieces online – in mind, I’m considering following the model of local artists like Melissa Bridgman and Elizabeth Alley and having myself an actual three-dimensional sale.
I’d love to hear some thoughts from y’all on the best way to do this. As a potential buyer, would you feel more comfortable going to an artist’s home or seeing the work somewhere more familiar, like a friend’s house? Would you be interested in seeing the materials available to design a custom piece? Would you consider hosting this type of event, and if so, would you prefer an open-house format or something a little more intimate and structured? Feel free to put your thoughts into the comments, or drop me a line.
In the meantime, you can take a look at the newest offerings over on Etsy, with some special peridot pieces for all the August birthdays out there …